Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Planning Monday

Well, the crazy week is over! It is time to return to a little normalcy! We have one big change here - Baby is quite mobile now! Thankfully hubby is around a lot for the rest of the summer to help me adapt to keeping the home and caring for a little guy who chases the dog (by crawling) all day!

We will have the usuals for breakfast and lunch - toast, eggs, cereal, pancakes, French toast for breakfast and soup, cold cuts, spaghetti o's, leftovers, chef boyardee, mac n cheese, or grill foods (hot dogs/hamburgers) for lunch.

Here's what we will be having for dinners!

Monday - grilled pork chops
Tuesday - enchiladas
Wednesday - roast chicken (whole chicken in crock pot) and crash hot potatoes
Thursday - beef stroganoff
Friday - burgers/dogs on the grill
Saturday - chicken tacos (with leftover roast chicken
Sunday - pizza


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