Saturday, May 22, 2010

Print These Coupons!

Sunday is almost here with new deals to be had!  Now is the time to print coupons and prep for the week!  Goodness, I hope I am up to a deal hunt or two!  We've had quite a time here - Hubby  had surgery a week ago Friday, I gave birth Monday, came home Wednesday, entire family has had the stomach flu since then (including the new baby), and I ended up in the ER today for dehydration, plus, Baby needs another jaundice test tomorrow.  Good grief!  It's time to get back to normal!

Remember as you scour coupons and deals - you may not have a need for many of the items on sale, but think of people who might.  Who could be blessed and helped if you got these items for them?

Coupons Inc.

Here are some great coupons to print.  To access them, click the icon above!


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