Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stockpile - A Story in Pictures

A few days back, I posted the why and how of stockpiling for emergencies.  I also posted some pictures of my own stockpile on my Stockpile tab.  I have been working on my stockpile for about 9 months.  We have burned through some of it and are now rebuilding.

My good friend, Lynnette, was kind enough to share pictures of her stockpile with me.  She has been building it for about 4 months with a month off to have a beautiful baby.   You can see how she has been able to stock up in different ways than we have (I can't wait to get a freezer!) and how she stores things in different ways - it all depends on the situation.

My deep freeze. Mostly filled with venison. There's a milk crate under the basket with other meats- so I just lift it up and get to more venison :)

My freezer. Mostly things I use regularly- precooked and chopped meats, veggies, ice cream :) the door is mostly filled with juice and hot dogs...

First cupboard. Top shelf is filled with extra tea and coffee. Canned goods behind the ramen (I lost a shelf last fall to too many canned things on one shelf) them bottom shelf is mostly lunch making supplies.

Cupboard 2. Boxes of rice behind the jars on this shelf. Mostly seconds of things for the fridge.
Bulk storage. This is actually underneath a kitchen desk. We have the microwave above and don't use it as a desk. I store things in boxes and slide them out to access the ones behind. On the left you can see ice cream tubs that I use for flour, sugar, rice, etc. from things I buy in 25 pound bags at Sam's.

Thank you, Lynnette, for letting us peek in your cabinets!  It's great to see how other people stockpile - I know it gives me ideas on how to improve mine!  Click on over and check out Lynnette's blog, Lifestyle Logic, for some great money saving tips!


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