Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black Friday Survey

Hi all!  Do you shop on Black Friday?  Have you in the past?  Are you considering it this year?  What about Cyber Tuesday? 

I didn't do any shopping on those days last year because Little Man was just born, but I may shop some this year! 

Hot Coupon World is opening a dialogue between retailers and shoppers regarding the early release of Black Friday ads.  Many retailers are upset about their ads being leaked early. Some retailers allow early release and some strictly forbit it.

I know that I love planning ahead.  I like using Thanksgiving as a day with family, not a day to plan my shopping trip. I prefer to use the online sites where ads have been leaked to plan my shopping ahead of time so I am free for family time on Thanksgiving.

Click over and help Hot Coupon World with their dialogue with retailers by taking their survey.  It is in two parts - one before Black Friday and one after.  Those who complete both parts will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card.  A few respondents will be chosen for a phone interview and will be compensated with a $100 Amazon gift card.


Anonymous said...

Rather than being cheap, why not get a job?

Audra Michelle said...

Well, I am not being CHEAP, I am being frugal. My husband and I have made the family a priority and with that comes me staying home with our children. I worked very hard for 9 years and my husband is working incredibly hard now. Why would I want to spend more of that hard earned money on the things we need than I need to? Paying full price is just ridiculous. I hope you enjoy wasting your money. I know I don't.

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