First, coupons! I found several organic/natural products with coupons on various sites. Some products I am not very familiar with, so please understand that I am no expert and may have found things that are not actually organic/natural. - I found these coupons without entering a zip code unless otherwise marked.
- $1 off Truvia natural sweetener product
- $1 off Nature's Bounty product
- $1 off Sundown Naturals/Marvel Heroes Vitamin product
- $2 off one bottle Wellesse Vitamin D3 product with sign-up
- $.55 Pillsbury Simply cookie dough
- $1 Small Planet Foods when you buy any Cascadian Farm product
- 20% off entire purchase at Rite Aid
- $.40 Nature Valley granola bars
- $1 off Nature Valley Nut Clusters
- $1 off Newman's Own thin & crispy pizza (zip 90210)
- BOGO free Steas organic beverage (zip 90210)
Get 150,000+ free online coupon codes, printable grocery coupons, restaurant coupons and more at!
- $1 off three Dole Natural Fruit Jars
- $1 off 12-pack Snapple tea
- Various Arm & Hammer products
- $2 off any Aveeno product
- Various Good Earth Premium coupons
- Save $2 on Seventh Generation cleaning products
- $1 off Morningstar Farms product
- Mussleman's applesauce coupons (they offer a natural applesauce)
- $.55 off Nature's Source natural laundry stain remover
- $1 off Organic Prairie products
- Various Organic Valley product coupons after registration
- $.75 off Santa Cruz Organic products
- $1 off Seventh Generation feminine product
- $1 off Seventh Generation dishwashing product
- $1 off any Seventh Generation product
- Various Stoneyfield Farms coupons
- $.40 off Nature Valley granola bars
- $1 off Nature Valley Nut Clusters
One of the best ways to get good deals on organic products is through To sweeten deals, you can use the "subscribe and save" feature on some items to save 15% (can be canceled at any time) and you can use gift cards earned by searching the internet using Swagbucks! Check out my previous post for details on Swagbucks.
Just go to the Amazon's Natural and Organic storefront
Other Savings Methods
Don't underestimate the importance of customer service! Find a company you enjoy and call or email them. Companies love to reward customers for feedback on their products. Tell them how much you love it or simply ask if they have a coupon promotion going. I have gotten many high dollar coupons this way including coupons for free product!
Free samples! Many times, free samples come with great coupons inside! Sign up for samples and enjoy getting your mail each day!
Farmers markets and local co-ops are great ways to save on great produce.
Final Thoughts
I recommend having a "junk" email address devoted entirely to online offers/subscriptions. This way, you protect your main email and don't risk missing important information. Lastly, Target offers many natural and organic products. Check the Target website for Target coupons. If you happen to have a manufacturer's coupon as well, you can use both on one product!
Please let me know if you come across any other great deals! Happy deal hunting!