I have been posting a lot lately. Hubby, Baby, Furbaby, and I are leaving for vacation on Sunday morning. I don't know if we will have internet access at all for the week we are gone. I want to leave all of you, my readers, with things to read so when you click on my page you aren't bored! If I find we have internet, I will post at least a few times this coming week.
CVS Photo Book Deal
This week's circular was confusing. It outlined a deal for a free after ECB 6" x 8" photo book with a limit of one per card. I had heard rumor that the limit was actually 5 per household! I have made 4 so far with ECB's printing each time ($7.99 per book). The manager assured me that the limit is 5. It does take a little while to make a book. Each book can have up to 54 pictures in it - the more pictures, the smaller each picture is. It is helpful to have photos cropped and edited and organized before going. I have found that not each Kodak kiosk will make the free book size - ask the photo department before starting. Not every CVS is able to do the books - only ones with one hour photo centers. Lastly, photos turn out a little better if they are enhanced using the edit options. This deal ends at the end of Saturday, so get hopping!