To save some money, we've done home haircuts. For years, Hubby wore his hair clipped to nearly bald. I got a good set of clippers
How do I cut my OWN hair? This is what I do:
- I keep a simple style - long and just slightly layered. My hair is hopelessly straight.
- I use several mirrors. Our shower doors are mirrors so I use them plus a vanity top mirror.
- I use good scissors
- I cut when hair is damp not wet and fix errors when hair is dry.
- I plan on the cut taking several days to get right.
- To get the back, I either set my length as close to the back as I can and have someone else cut the back to length or just keep pulling segments to the side as I turn my head to get it close then fix over the next few days.
- I have watched the professional stylists add layers various ways and play around with tricks I have seen them try to see what I get.
- MOST OF ALL - I am prepared to either walk around looking silly or pay for a professional cut if I mess it up. It's just hair. It will grow back. Fast. Freakishly fast.
DonnaPerugini · 754 weeks ago