A little background - Baby was a preemie born 4 weeks early. He was a tiny 5lbs 2oz. Due to all sorts of problems, he had a hard time growing until he was about 4 months old (was still just 8lbs 6oz at 4 months but then porked up). I still worry about his growth. Each time he is sick, his growth falters a little. With this most recent batch of illnesses including a MRSA scare and 2 colds, I got quite concerned because he had not grown AT ALL in a month.
Also, I just am not comfortable with the cry-it-out method at all. It's not just me not wanting to hear him cry. I just don't feel sleep should be so stressful and traumatic. I have avoided it for the most part. Occasionally, I would let Baby cry awhile. It always ended in everyone being miserable. I know it works really well for many, it's just not for us.
We went on a sleep adventure this past weekend. I had HAD IT and really needed a good night's sleep. I caved and tried cry-it-out for a nap. No way was I trying it for bedtime. I endured 45 minutes of "rabid-animal" screaming. Baby finally fell asleep, still sobbing. He woke 20 minutes later with a horriffic diaper and a great fear of his crib. I felt terrible as I realized he had been hungry because my milk supply had a big dip that day. Hubby and I agreed we were not going back to crying.
We took out the book The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
Now, to see if this is going to last! We are praying hard for his sleep!